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Instead you’ve got a real-deal Michael Myers – mask, jumpsuit, axe and all, along with the official Halloween music. Not just the implication of Michael Myers, nor a Halloween-themed mode alone. You’ll get so spoiled, your head will explode.
WARNING: SPOILER note – if you’ve not seen the 2012 movie The Cabin in the Woods, do not scroll down below the first video in this post. Dimly-lit living spaces are strewn throughout this map with firm implications of the impending return of axe-wielding denizens. There’s fog, of course – given the name of the map, one would expect – as well as a generally smelly-seeming ambiance throughout. Here you’ll see the bones and carcasses of dead animals and stacks of grimy containers of who-knows-what. Down the rabbit hole you go, literally – tunnels rest under cabins, near waterfalls and through the bog.